Villa Santa Maria

Via IV Novembre, 15, 22038 Tavernerio CO, Italy
На основе 28 отзывов

Villa Santa Maria is an institution that institutionally carries out Christian witness through the treatment and rehabilitation of children and young people suffering from different types of complex neuropsychiatric pathologies such as simple and complex neurodevelopmental delays / disorders of the autistic and non-autistic spectrum (cognitive delays, developmental delay / disorder of language, motor function, communication / relational skills), psychopathology of childhood, pre-adolescence and adolescence (behavioral disorders, of the oppositional-provocative type, of the disruptive type, of the dissocial type, alterations in eating behaviors, school and / or social withdrawal, disorders of the emotional-affective sphere,. ..)
Villa Santa Maria SCS is committed to providing an excellent quality service , centered on the patient and his potential, in close collaboration with parents and in a welcoming and harmonious environment, a place for rehabilitation, school and play activities.

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Удобства и Услуги

  • Дети от 12 до 18
  • Невролог
  • Остеопат
  • Психолог
  • Физиотерапевт


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