
72 Av. de Branne, 33370 Tresses, France

In 1990, the first multidisciplinary pediatric home opened with a gynecologist-obstetrician, a pediatrician, a speech therapist, a psychomotor therapist and a child psychiatrist. Gradually other pediatricians joined the team, some with sub-specialties (endocrinology, pneumology, dermatology, neonatology, etc.). The team of three associated paediatricians is supplemented by two collaborating paediatricians and five substitute paediatricians.
A first public health childcare worker working with private pediatricians, within the framework of ASALEE, provides families with therapeutic education complementary to the care of doctors. Involved in parenting support, and in monitoring toddlers, she advises families in the first weeks of a child’s life.

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Удобства и Услуги

  • Дети от 12 до 18
  • Невролог
  • Остеопат
  • Психолог
  • Физиотерапевт


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