Clínica da Ribeira

R. Arrabalde 45, 3500-084 Viseu, Portugal

The medical specialty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of disabling diseases. The therapeutic means used are pharmacological, physical (primarily exercise and electrotherapy) and orthotics.

However, although less notorious, Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine also plays a fundamental role in the rehabilitation of heart and respiratory diseases.

Pediatrics is the medical specialty dedicated to child and adolescent care, in its various aspects.

Aspects usually focused on in this consultation are the evolution of psychomotor growth and development, food, hygiene, sleep, vaccination, safety and accident prevention, among many others.

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Удобства и Услуги

  • Дети от 12 до 18
  • Невролог
  • Остеопат
  • Психолог
  • Физиотерапевт


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