Casa di cura Solatrix

Via Bellini, 11, 38068 Rovereto TN, Italy

The Nursing Home offers Outpatient activities in collaboration with the Interdisciplinary Center for Speech Therapy Rehabilitation in childhood and developmental age, coordinated by Dr. Chiara Abbadessa , speech therapist.
The Firm carries out the following activities – Child Neuropsychiatric and Speech Therapy Assessments with final report (tests and methods used in compliance with national guidelines) for primary and secondary language disorders and specific learning disorders – SLD (dyslexia, dysorthography, dysgraphia and dyscalculia), Speech therapy therapies for pathologies of the developmental age (language delay, motor coordination disorder, learning disorders and atypical swallowing)
Psychotherapy, psychological support and parenting support.
The activities are carried out with the advice of Dr. Marinella Garotta , child neuropsychiatrist.

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Удобства и Услуги

  • Дети от 12 до 18
  • Невролог
  • Остеопат
  • Психолог
  • Физиотерапевт


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