Assohandicap Onlus

Via Pietro Nenni, 16, 00047 Marino RM, Italy

The Assohandicap Center was founded in 1987 with the support of the Bambino Gesù Hospital as a Rehabilitation Center for people with psycho-physical disabilities, since 1991 it has an agreement with the NHS and is recognized as a Structure pursuant to article 26 of law 833/78. With the reform law it was accredited.

To increase the effectiveness of our service, a “Private Area” sector has also been created which allows us to expand and improve the quality of our response in terms of services to be offered to the territory.
The educational-rehabilitation intervention is aimed in particular at subjects with motor disabilities, neurological disabilities, cognitive disabilities, neuropsychological disabilities, mental disabilities, ensorineural disabilities.
The subjects are generally aged between 0-18 years for the Outpatient Sector, from infancy to adulthood for the Home Sector and adulthood for the Semi-Residential Sector.

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Удобства и Услуги

  • Дети от 12 до 18
  • Невролог
  • Остеопат
  • Психолог
  • Физиотерапевт


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