7 Ways to Meditate When Your Brain Is Busy


Thinking and meditation teach you to pay attention to your thoughts and emotional state so as not to react impulsively and perceive stressful situations differently.
A little-known fact is that you don't have to sit, or even stop moving, to meditate. Even children and adults with ADHD can achieve a state of calm by following simple steps.

1. Use music as a focal point
Meditation does not have to happen in silence. Practice inhaling and exhaling while listening to the melody with concentration.

2. Catch and release interfering thoughts.
When your attention wanders to something else, gently let go and return your attention to your breath. You will have to repeat this process many times at first, and that's okay.

3. Don’t “owe” yourself
 If meditation is difficult at first, repeat these guidelines:
“There is no wrong way to meditate.”
“I will refrain from self-criticism.”

4. Try dynamic meditation
Calm your restless body with a simple, repetitive movement like: walking, during meditation.

5. Start small and slowly improve and intensify your practice
Start with five minutes of meditation several times a day. When it becomes comfortable, increase the duration.

6. Make meditation a habit
Enlist a coach, a friend, or an app to keep you on track until the practice becomes part of your daily routine.

7. Use mindfulness in your daily life
Meditation can help you manage strong emotions at work or at home. She teaches you to step away from noise and focus on what you choose.

The meditator will have both positive and negative experiences. As it becomes easier to calm oneself and manage one's stress, the practitioner experiences the well-being he deserves.

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